Nov 102015
 10/11/2015  Posted by at 6:03 pm Uncategorized  Add comments

I created this drummer girl, constructing her from found objects (objet trouvé).
She is integral to this post and to the post below, relating to our unique individualism, living in accordance with our own rhythm, approaching life “in our own sweet way” and marching to the beat of our own drum.
Being in step with ourselves cultivates an individual outlook and clarity in decision making, so guarding us against coercion.
A sound sense of self creates conscious joy, a revelling in our individuality.
We make self-respectful choices emanating from our own inner convictions, seeking personal truth regardless of societal pressures.
Our lives then become a march of authenticity, pivotal to our own unique drum beat.

“I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship.” – Louisa May Alcott.

007 Blog IMG 0360 Mojo (36cm x 106)

Mojo (36cm x 106)

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